a personal loan for your personal needs
Check your rate in 5 minutes.
Get funded in as fast as 1 business day.²
Low cost. No upfront or early payoff fee
Won't affect your credit score1

Debt consolidation loans are useful for managing revolving lines of credit and high-cost loans that have high-interest fees. Some of these debt types include credit cards, retail credit cards, gas credit cards, payday loans, and title loans. You may also be able to save more each month with a lower interest rate.

Student Debt Loans, Refinance Your Car Loans, Medical Loans, + More
You are unique. You may need a student loan, medical expense loan, refinance your car loan, or something else. mph.bank offers unsecured loans for your personal needs, which means you don't need to back up your loan with collateral.
Why choose mph.bank for a personal loan?
You are more than your credit score - Our model looks at factors such as your education3 and employment to help you get the rate you deserve.
flexible loan amounts
You can get a personal loan from $5,000 to $30,0004.
fixed rates
and terms
Choose between personal loans in 3, 5 or 7 year terms, with fixed rates of 4.6% - 19% APR.5
no pre-payment fees
You can prepay your loan at any time with no fee or penalty.
great service
mph.bank has deep experience and is dedicated to helping you with your unique needs.
"They gave me the best rate by far and I really liked that they didn’t have a penalty for paying your loan off early." - Ahmed
how to easily apply for a
personal loan in 3 steps
check your rate
Check your rate in minutes – without affecting your credit score.¹
choose your loan
Select your desired personal loan amount and preferred loan term.
get funded
99% of personal loan funds are sent just 1 business day after signing²

mph.bank personal loan faqs
Q: What can a personal loan be used for?
Q: What is an unsecured personal loan?
Q: How fast can I get my personal loan?
Q: How much can I borrow with a personal loan?
Q: Can I get a loan with bad credit or no credit?
Q: If I check my personal loan rate, will it impact my credit?
Q: What are the interest rates on a personal loan?
1. When you check your rate, we check your credit report. This INITIAL (SOFT) INQUIRY will not affect your credit score. If you accept your rate and proceed with your application, we do another (HARD) CREDIT INQUIRY that will impact your credit score. If you take out a loan, repayment information may be reported to the credit bureaus.
2. If you accept your loan by 5pm EST (not including weekends or holidays), your funds will be sent on the next business day. Loans used to fund education-related expenses are subject to a 3 business day wait period between loan acceptance and funding in accordance with federal law.
3. mph.bank does not have a minimum educational requirement in order to be eligible for a loan.
4. Your loan amount will be determined based on your credit, income, and certain other information provided in your loan application. Not all applicants will qualify for the full amount. Minimum loan amounts vary by state.
5. The full range of available rates varies by state. A representative example of payment terms for a Personal Loan is as follows: a borrower receives a loan of $10,000 for a term of 60 months, with an interest rate of 13.89%, no origination fee, for an APR of 13.89%. In this example, the borrower will receive $10,000 and will make 60 monthly payments of $233. APR is calculated based on 5-year rates offered in August, 2023. There is no downpayment and no prepayment penalty. Your APR will be determined based on your credit, income, and certain other information provided in your loan application. Not all applicants will be approved.
All loans are originated by mph.bank which is part of the Upstart marketplace.